Recovered and Free Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Recovered and Free is a private pay facility. Please call us to discuss our tuition costs.

  • No. We are private pay only. We are transparent in our cost and our service.

  • No.

  • We offer a variety of options depending on many different criteria. We can accommodate someone from 2 weeks to 2 years.

  • No. We are a gender-specific program for men.

  • Yes. All men with alcohol and drug problems are welcome.

  • Yes. We have an exclusive partner that provides medical detox and stabilization.

  • Yes, please see above.

  • No. We are a peer-driven 12-step alcohol and drug rehabilitation center.

  • Yes. We are very experienced in assisting clients with criminal courts, probation, and parole. We often testify in open court on behalf of our clients.

  • Yes.

  • Yes. We have a structure for phone calls. US Mail, UPS, FED-EX services are available to our clients and their family, friends.

  • Yes. Family members or friends can send pre-paid cash cards, so clients can make small purchases of hygiene, clothing, stamps, tobacco products.

  • One week’s worth of clothes is plenty and is all that will be allowed into the facility. Excessive clothing or other belongings will be kept in storage with the client's luggage. Please be mindful of the season and Texas weather. Gym attire is recommended. Toiletries and hygiene items need to be alcohol-free.

  • No. Due to our agreement with the City of Hubbard, we cannot admit any individual with a history of harming minors.